Sunday 1 September 2013


Hey, Minecrafters! Both of us are back!

1. Donations [By JORDAN] 

Now, if you find the blog useful, you can donate to us! Just click 'DONATIONS' at the topmost menu of the blog! Thanks!!!

2. Moving house!

We are moving to WordPress soon!

It is at

Hehe... this blog will be available until 1 October 2013, it will be shut down after that date!

P.S. It is already live! Yay!

3. CRAP! Lol

I guess we have not been posting useful stuff, but have been crapping! Sorry for the inconvenience, we will try to post more MC/LOL content! P.S. We have a major exam coming up, so we cannot post so often until October 2013! Sorry!
Till the next time at,
Jordan Ang and MINE

P.P.S. The next post will be by Jovan, at the new address above!

Saturday 24 August 2013


  Most of the gamers outside in the real world know this game, League Of Legends and I am going to introduce this game to our blog! (: League Of Legends is a game that I just started playing and I might make videos on it ><
  League Of Legends and Minecraft! Two Games should I reach out to more games ? That would be a question for you guys in the future .... Now lets take a step forward and say HI to our new game ' LOL ' xD. I will just introduce the new template of the blog edited by Jordan (: and I suggested the theme to it though xD. From now on , Minecraft Related Posts will have a specific tag (e.g [MC_PC][MINE]) and League Of Legends Related Posts will be (e.g [LoL_][MINE]) so it is more convenient for you guys! And .... General Announcements like this one will be (e.g [GENERAL]MINE] :D That's All for this post! Btw send a email in to join the giveaway sponsored by Jordan and Hosted by himself (: A event might be hosted by me in the upcoming days or weeks! Happy Gaming Guys! 😄

Tuesday 6 August 2013


463 pageviews, no email! Really?

Hello! I'm back with a Minecraft giveaway!
-That is when we get 500 views for our blog!
 You can win Minecraft PC/PE! There will be one lucky winner for EACH Minecraft PC and Minecraft PE.
-Just email your request to When the blog views hit 500, we will randomly pick one winner for EACH edition of Minecraft! Good luck!!!

Monday 5 August 2013


  Most of MINECRAFTERS knows who's the creator of Minecraft - Markus Persson whom we know as Notch.He used to be the Creative Director of Minecraft but now,he is developing & creating more games for us to play ... Scrolls & Minecraft are two games that Mojang has created.Now , Jens Bergensten whom we know as Jeb has taken over the role as Creative Director :) So today we are going to be Creative!Imaginating and Creativity are not my type of thing but I will try to do it!In 1.6, Horses Galloped to Minecraft and Steve,Rana,Human,Beast Boy and Black Steve were all taken out of Minecraft for their reasons. If you guys can guess,we are gonna imagine what mob or item that will come out for future Minecraft updates!!

•Minecraft should have a second edition that allow players to evolve like Stage 2 where you get more Health and Hunger.This will make the game more exciting and interesting at the same time :D
•Minecraft should have something like 'MP/SP' Like some mods add in as this will make the game harder to play and survive !

-Food Sources-
They (MOJANG) should add in other foods like Beer & Wine despite me being a child xD.Having Beer and Wine should give you some Potion effects like Regen(you feel great xD).Foods Like Waffles and Salad should also do fine in MC

MC has developed so fast but so far .... But up to now,there still haven't been any form of Physics in MC which makes it Different from other games and is unable to be used for building buildings.Thus MC should roll out an edition where we can apply what we build to the real world!

That's All for this blog post! Happy Minecrafting MINECRAFTERS! :) Also don't forget to email your request to for a change to win either a MCPE or MCPC

P.S. Try out our newly rolled out Troll Search!

Saturday 20 July 2013

[MC_SERVER_TIPS][MINE]Thanks For Your Help!

The Blog has reached 200+ Views and I thank all you guys for your help in bringing this blog to a step to success!Without the help of you guys we would not have managed this properly because we have seen that some MINECRAFTERS need help so we are providing them!Also the blog has changed it's name! This is a New change done by me and I will change my title to [ADMIN] instead of Co-Owner!
Jordan will be the owner of the blog Offically :) In this blog post I will be talking about Minecraft Multiplayer donating

Multiplayer-Server Donating
As I would not like you guys to get cheated by Minecraft server owners I would like to share some precautions in donating to Minecraft servers.
•Check the average number of players on the server.Normally,on cracked servers there are more people and tend to stay on faster than uncracked servers.If the amount of players are more than 15,you can be sure that the server is online for long or not there won't be so many people online.
•Check if the server has a website.If the server has a website,check out the number of donations and the people that donated,ask them to verify before donating

I hope you guys will not be cheated on by Minecraft Server Owners and I wish you the best of luck and a good day ahead in Minecraft! Happy Minecrafting,MINECRAFTERS!


Sunday 14 July 2013


HI, Jordan's back with a MASSIVE Minecraft PC Seeds List!
(I hold no credit for this. Source:

Make Sure Capital letters and what not are correct or will result in a wrong generated world

0000001 - LOTS of clay (20ish), hills and islands of sand.
1 - Start near a beach, flat rolling hills. Mushroom patch and lakes near spawn, some islands. Good place to start.
2 - Large rolling hills and cliffs, some sand. Not much water in sight.
3 - Mostly tundra, and frozen over water, large hills. Cave near spawn, fairly large
4 - Large sandy cliffs. Some cliffs are grassy. Spawn on cliff, overlooking (sea?) or large lake.
5 - Very sandy. HUGE connecting sand cliffs reinforced with stone. Large sand caverns with some mushrooms.
6 - Spawn near a lake in sand. Small hills. Abundant trees.
73 - Tropical rain forest at spawn, underground tree!
404 - Holy **** cave under a gravel patch.
619 - Spawn near a lot of clay and trees. Lava under clay :O
638 - Grassy hills, small grass cliff near spawn with 2 lakes.
789 - Spawn in large-ish lake sandy with green patches. 1 Mushroom found near spawn.
2039 - Normal map, one hill has a very odd multi-level cave with abundant mushrooms.
2740 - Low leveled islands, pumpkins on spawn island, huge drop off with waterfall and iron, probably connecting to a cave system.
3621 - Grassy "valley" near spawn.
10935 - Large mountains with exposed cave systems. Lots of clay. (10?)
11743 - Lots of clay, dungeons, caves spawn: X: 32,5 Y: 65,6 Z:-2,8
432836 - Can be hilly grass, or extreme overhanging connecting caves, normally the flat one.
1001001 - Rock exposed (looks like a lot of TNT went off.) exposed iron/coal.
2232011 - Grassy plains as far as the eye can see. Large lake, has reeds and clay near it.
3256833 - Flat, remote islands. hard to get stuff, natural 4 high reeds near spawn.
10110101 - Triple overhang somewhere near spawn.
20000145610 - Spawn in/near a lava lake next to a underground lake.
555555555 - Hilly, with lots of trees.
666666666 - General island/map.
888888888 - Hilly tundra/plains. Some caves exposed.
7708680168343977311 - HUGE inland lake surrounded by sandy beaches on one side, a forest on the other, and a MASSIVE mountain in between.
101010100101010101010100101 - Flat sandy hills.
-1623774494 - Spawn is usually inside a huge cave. When you leave the cave, you'll enter a valley surrounded by huge mountains and cliffs.
1920120023 - Extremely high amount of mushrooms near spawn. Large-ish hills.
01161410710314 - Spawn in sandy valley between two hills just off a beach... lots of large mountainous islands with tree covered hillsides and intersecting waterways... lots of above and underground lakes... found quite a few caves with openings at the surface
3502406293916637309 - Fairly cool world, nothing too special apart from an exposed dungeon and a massive cave. (confirm dungeon)
-2448634322660443413 - Full of huge mountains, floating islands, caverns, and other amazing formations. It has an abundance of unusual, perfectly flat, vertical surfaces.
-1784338777788894343 - Floating mountains, natural forest fires, and lots of pumpkins Very Happy
555666777888999 - Hilly, caves, trees
27 - Mountain with lots of caves.
666 - Large desert
2484616403790488353 - Dull grass, chunks of stone.
999999999999999999 - Creates a medium island with some cliffs, small floating island around and nearby is an other island that is half covered with sand there seem to be natural treeehouses
31415926535897932384626433 - Near some lava, random pi shaped clouds reported xD
654 - A desert surrounded by mountains on 3/4 of the sides and a coast on one side
4335 - A small flat island surrounded by family of squid
6570608 - a large sand mountain land about 30 blocks large 3/4 of it is sand mountains the other part is costal with 3 squid
3914335 - spawned at a bay but around it at a lush forest and flat land not to far from spawn
9955678 -a vast valley behind spawn with many caves and monster spawners not to deep in most caves.
-11 - Pretty
100 - Desert.
101 - Started out similar to seed 4, but i then turned around to see high floating mountains with snow and pine trees on top
102 - Spawned mountains to the sky limit, waterfalls, and a few pumpkins.
103 - Jesus world. there was an inland pond in the shape of a cross.
87878787 - Snow-covered sand, overhanging mountains, small lava fall
87654321 - Spawn on a small grassy patch, surrounded by snow and ice
12345678 - Spawn by a big mountain, turquoise-y grass
88888888 - Archipelago system
1820287 - Big floating island near the spawn point
7896 - Spawn on a beach with 2 lagoons.
4042531831790214307 - Spawn in a huge overhang with a monster spawn near you
-2354772632932664839 - Exposed dungeon in an exposed cave near a overhang :3
187 - AWESOME snow map!
17171717171717 - It lands you in a kind of rock quarry near some coal and has a lava-fall flowing into water. Also, "Loki" gives you a multitude of stair-like mountains with some caves, some surface coal (usually easy to find), random patches of snow, ponds in the mountains and a lake with gravel around it instead of common sand.
1123581321345589144233 - Pretty normal world. Nice desert/forest mix. Some moderately tall hills. Caves tend to be numerous but very small (literally alcoves or short tubes) TONS of coal. great beginner world. Very VERY bizarre room at (or rather- the entrance) X=493.84 Y=89.62 Z=-649.11
5493397914852811627 - Nice map many mountains, with overhangs, big caves lava waterfall ? confirmed
1110111110100111000 - X:84 Y:139 Gravity defying water! O:
10110101 - Spawns a huge mountain area.
7 - Small clay pits (2)
1337 - Awesome mountains that connect like a bridge
-1784338777788894343 - Really cool waterfalls, overhangs, a floating platform with a pumpkin. REALLY COOLISH.
3666440496532277820 - Spawn IN A **** DUNGEON ._. Pro world.
0002 - X 102 Y 65 Z -0 Theres a dungeon.
4779622059751172796 - 3 Dungeons, All connected
Spawner 1:
Spawner 2:
Spawner 3:
-745732678 - You spawn (absolute) very close to a dungeon right next to the water. It's even a skeleton dungeon Smile
BRAINS! - At x:-8 Y:71 z:-43 You will find a cave that goes right into a spider dungeon

Textflatland - Fairly flat, only trees are huge "oak" looking trees.
Glacier - Holy crap. Amazing floating mountains, cliffs, amazing formations describable by text.
minecraft - flat, sand islands. Rumored above ground dungeon
water - Normalish map. Cave near spawn.
presentfactory - Grassy, sandy hills.
enterprise - Basicilly a hillyer 555555555 with more water.
windows - Grassy forest, some red mushrooms near spawn.
New World - Cliffs, some small forest. Good beginner map.
ggggggggggggggggg - Tundra islands. Floating snow.
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovo - Plains + Hills. Some exposed caves. Little trees.
seed - Islands. Pretty much sums it up.
icbm - Rolling hills with large lakes and sand.
Snow - Grassy, sandyish area
awesomeness - 4 Tall reeds, lava waterfalls, and a large forest.
IT NOT SNOWING - Generally Flat With Hills Common Caves Some trees
HaPpYpLaStIcMiChAeLjAcKsOn - Good beginner map, some floating stuff off 100 blocks or so from spawn
boring please - Desertey. Floating sand, lava.
omgjizzfacelol - Above ground dungeon? (confirmed)
herobrine - Large forest, stone mountain near spawn.
Mars - Large cave near spawn
fool's Paradise - Awesome? (more info pl0x)
Cheese - Large tundra biome.
Breaded - Cool Island With Awsome Cliff At Back!
csimiami - Large formations
Dead Space - Sand structures
CREEPER - You spawn near a lake and the sea, but if you walk to the left, you will se some enormous mountains with some flotaing islands. Then there will be place in the middle of the mountains system with a waterfall, lava lake, and a gigantic cave.
stupid - The only special thing is that u spawn next to a zombie spawner. (confirm please) otherwise fairly average map.
gargamel - Spawn in a cave in a valley.
Megan Fox - Lots of islands
Zul - Large tundra biome
hell - Firey and lavaey.
Quaoar - A large mountain range near spawn (3/4 times) with large cave-type openings forming arches.
Markus - Zombie dungeon in the sand. (confirmed)
Main - A Normal forest map with a Thin Mountain
Floating Islands - Floating islands 200 from spawn (ish)
Tarati - This one is mind blowing. A flat piece of land is either average height or near the top of the map. Caves accesible without digging are many, many times more common, and there are plenty of places where you can jump from near top of map to near sea level with little or no obstruction.
Attila the Hun - Spawned my near an frozen ocean with on a hilly tundra. No trees in area.
Fhjddyjvsehjjbvcssqqqwweaaryoohcxgjkigccdtuvxdyhxdyygggdgjhcdruivcgiitewqdgivcfohvchjigfhjbg - Near some trees
Pikachu - Above ground caves
Spain - Spawn on a beach next to a harbor. Hill nearby with a cave in it.
Skeleton - Nothing of any interest near by.
Karkat - Lava pool to east of spawn.
Moon - Spawn at a desert near mountains, there's a formation of sand shaped like a hand pointing
Slowbeef - Crazy hills.
Rigel - The Worst one So Far.
Park - Very Boring
Logitech - Massive Mountains Like 10110101 and Glacier
Atticus - Snowy Biome
Brave - A scenic spawn point with a nice bay backed by mountains, lava opening over the bay
zombie siege - Spawns near a large group of sandy islands, with several interesting features. There's a cavern beneath one of them.
csimiami - Some large cliffs, floating islands, and large caves. There are also pumpkins and surface lava a bit further out.
Mojang - Massive desert.
Leave blank (Thats the actual name) - Large above ground cave
Iron Man - Gigantic desert that goes from deep inland to the sea, surrounded by mountains.
abacus - Will give you many caves, some iron at spawn, some coal at spawn, some trees, and a waterfall that goes down about 30-40 blocks!
Bugger - Lots of sandstone above ground. Lots of water, a lot of trees, a number of cacti (at least near where I spawned), A lot of animals (especially pigs and sheep), and able to find coal and some iron relatively quickly. Always spawn near the same area (my brother has used this seed several times, and has spawned roughly near the same location each time). Haven't done much exploring yet since I've been working on turning a hill/cliff into a house, and clearing away unwanted terrain nearby.
sister hazel - AWESOME, tall, trippy mountains similar to the Glacier seed, only spread out over an even farther distance. Plenty of everything, exposed cave entrances everywhere, cool thin towers of rock to build your home in.
veganbrownie - Epic cliffs near spawn. Lots of amazing forests, lakes, and islands. There is a dungeon near the surface of a beach that is partially filled with sand and has water flowing into it. The chests contain lots of iron, 2 saddles, and 2 records along with some wheat.
Proudnation - Spawn in a sand pit surrounded by trees. In the valley there are two (2) lava pools that will cause a wildfire shortly after spawning
Peace frog - Zombie spawner right next to spawn point. X: 119 Y: 63 Z: -372
herobrine - A tundra biome with a small dessert to the north
Pandora - Huge ass forest with huge ass lakes
thethirdreich - Freaking awesome mountain/forest ish with an awesome cave south of spawn and a cute forest due east
Burn **** - I'm only even posting this up here cause the map is like. Frikin Russia! There is snow and Ice everywhere for where i spawned. The Irony was to painful for me not to post.
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Many Many cactus, A nice desert, Beautiful mountains/hills in the area, PUMPKINS, A nice amount of trees to get you started.
Fort Zombie - Lots of strange overhanging formations.
Dude! Wheres my car? - It contain the most EPIC mountains you'll ever see
FreeMinecraft - Go to the coords:
You'll find a really deep hole right next to a lake.
Ocean - Spawns a huge ocean area right in front of your eyes!
isaidahiphopthehippiethehippietothehiphiphopyoudontstoptherock - Gives you extremely flat land.
Seed - More & more epic mountains
Gimme Diamonds - Good cave, Turn around.
Epic Fail - Desert flat land.
TnT - Destroyed Land?
Painfulleap - Very Nice ocean!
iwantamountain - Sick mountain!
herobrine - Disk shaped mountain
thecakeisnotalie - No desc.(Please tell one kthx)
Jessica - 2 Dungeons near 0,0, One exposed, another rectangle can be seen under water.
Apacer - At -397, 66, 247 theres a small cave, and 3 seconds into it...bam, a spider dungeon.
aflak - Gets you right next to a skeleton spawner inside of a mountain cave
worstseedever - If you turn around where you spawn there should be sand that collapses to reveal a zombie spawner and there is also iron to the right. Under the iron is a dungeon, under the coal patch in the rock is a dungeon.
Leeds - Walk until you see a cave in the side of a mountain and theres a zombie spawner with floating chest.
Turkey Face - You get a double spawner about 1 min walking straight
cornshot - Dungeon near surphace
IWantToRideYourBicycle - 1 of the 2 lakes near you has a dungeon in it.
thisissparta - Spawn near underwater dungeon
Grelb - Gets you close to a zombie dungeon
X -16
y 60
z -51
HUGE - Spawner 10 blocks away from spawn
Total Drama Island - A double dungeon'd cave, that starts off with a pit at (45,62,-110). A Zombie and Skeleton dungeon. Just walk around the caves to find the second. There's only two routes, and they both are dead ends, one with the Zombie dungeon.
abyss - Makes a HUGE gigantic ocean <_< x:7 y:67 z:-53

gl80r - Large tropical rain forest.
pzkvfw3 - Almost as good as Glacier. Huge cliffs, you re-spawn in the clouds.
bt2 - Small flat map with some lakes.
vk601p - 3 Pumpkins near the spawn. Moderately Hilly.
923pm - Large hills in tundra biome.
1571t - Tropical rain forest with lots of lakes. Some mushrooms.
neverdaunt8bit - Plain islands. Some exposed caves, easy coal.
silver16 - Islandish land, lots of mushrooms (red) near spawn.
984yr9u48mu09u9843p9mr3 - Cliff like islands. Spawn near clay vein.
oicu812 - ?
Wave01 - Spawnpoint is in a desert near a nice, swamp/forest area. There are 2 dungeons very near the surface quite close to the spawn. One is a zombie dungeon in a beach that's filled with sand. The other is a skeleton dungeon under some sugarcane.
404 error - Above ground dungeon at -77, 59, 82
Persona3fes - Squiddy Area, 4 high reeds.
8D - Between Snow Biome and mountains
97 * 31**2 + 98 * 31 + 99 = 96354 - O.o Undersea cavern. Massive ****.
starcraft2 - It is probably the most amazing place i have ever seen. You spawn near a big mountain and all around it there are pools of water (not the tiny type) along with a pool of lava and many waterfalls.
13x13 - Peaceful.
y2k - Flat land, lava pit on the surface, cacti and a nice little bridge from mountain to mountain

Dungeon Seeds
Repeats from above, for you crazy ass dungeon finders
Jessica - 2 Dungeons near 0,0, One exposed, another rectangle can be seen under water.
Apacer - At -397, 66, 247 theres a small cave, and 3 seconds into it...bam, a spider dungeon.
aflak - Gets you right next to a skeleton spawner inside of a mountain cave
worstseedever - If you turn around where you spawn there should be sand that collapses to reveal a zombie spawner and there is also iron to the right. Under the iron is a dungeon, under the coal patch in the rock is a dungeon.
Leeds - Walk until you see a cave in the side of a mountain and theres a zombie spawner with floating chest.
Turkey Face - You get a double spawner about 1 min walking straight
cornshot - Dungeon near surphace
IWantToRideYourBicycle - 1 of the 2 lakes near you has a dungeon in it.
thisissparta - Spawn near underwater dungeon
Grelb - Gets you close to a zombie dungeon
X -16
y 60
z -51
HUGE - Spawner 10 blocks away from spawn
3666440496532277820 - Spawn IN A **** DUNGEON ._. Pro world.
0002 - X 102 Y 65 Z -0 Theres a dungeon.
4779622059751172796 - 3 Dungeons in close proximity Spawner 1: -1580, 47, -639
Spawner 2: -1581, 32, -625
Spawner 3: -1583, 61, -631
-745732678 - You spawn (absolute) very close to a dungeon right next to the water. It's even a skeleton dungeon Smile
BRAINS! - At x:-8 Y:71 z:-43 You will find a cave that goes right into a spider dungeon
-124.52,27.86,47.28 afklak
3502406293916637309 - Fairly cool world, nothing too special apart from an exposed dungeon and a massive cave.
-2354772632932664839 - Exposed dungeon in an exposed cave near a overhang :3
omgjizzfacelol - Above ground dungeon
Markus - Zombie dungeon in the sand.
veganbrownie - Epic cliffs near spawn. Lots of amazing forests, lakes, and islands. There is a dungeon near the surface of a beach that is partially filled with sand and has water flowing into it. The chests contain lots of iron, 2 saddles, and 2 records along with some wheat.
Wave01 - Spawnpoint is in a desert near a nice, swamp/forest area. There are 2 dungeons very near the surface quite close to the spawn. One is a zombie dungeon in a beach that's filled with sand. The other is a skeleton dungeon under some sugarcane.
404 error - Above ground dungeon at -77, 59, 82
Total Drama Island - A double dungeon'd cave, that starts off with a pit at (45,62,-110). A Zombie and Skeleton dungeon. Just walk around the caves to find the second. There's only two routes, and they both are dead ends, one with the Zombie dungeon.

Now for Minecraft PE Seeds:

More will be coming up soon!


Sunday 7 July 2013


Hey guys!Sorry for not posting for a while :(.The reason behind was that School's Back and a major exam is coming up for the both of us(Owners) :) Anyways today I will be sharing with you guys about the new update for Minecraft Computer Version. 1.6 is out!In this new version of Minecraft,there are many new items and stuff!For a start,there is hayblock and HORSES!!
Horses are cool!!
In my personal opinion,the new update have lagged many multiplayer servers which are bad :( however,the horses are cool!!

-Sorry for the short post because I need to go :( In the next post I will be posting a longer one! I promise!-


Sunday 23 June 2013


Hello!! Jordan's back with a Minecraft PE tip! This will be about a glitch elevator, I think you all have heard of this before. Nevertheless I will still be teaching you guys how to make one. 

First, build double doors. 

Next, build blocks to 'surround' the door and build a 2x1 structure on top of the 'surrounding', as tall as you like. 

Make sure the top of the 2x1 touches the top of where you want to 'travel to ' in the elevator.
Now, to travel to the top, move in the middle of your opened double doors 

and tap on 'Quit to title' in the menu. 

Next, tap 'Play' and open your world again. (In this case, it is 'vv' for me!)
And then, TA-DA! You will be standing on top of where you wanted to be! ^^

Thanks for reading, hope to see you again!

Note: I, Jordan, will not post very often 'cause I can't use my mobile every time, sorry! But I think Jovan will post for you guys!!

Jordan Ang

Saturday 22 June 2013


This suggestion will be continues from the previous one (#3) In this suggestion , I will be givin you more mods and a texture pack :)

- Biospheres
  Most of you guys should have heard of this mod and what it does but I still will be giving a brief discription of this mod.This mod will enable you to have a additional map in Single Player.When you choose Biospheres,there will be tiny biomes all in a glass ' container '.You will be able to find all biomes as they will be connected from one to another
     [Link:] (I will not get paid)

-Death Chest
     This mod is not used commonly in Multi-Player as you will lose your items and it is hard to retrieve them back.But,in single player , it is quite easy to get them back as your items will be 'teleported' to the nearest chest.However,items that you are crafting will not be 'teleported'
     [Link:] (I will not get paid)

-Syphax (Texture Pack)
     This texture pack is sooooooooooooo cooooooooooool! Download and use it !!!!

That's all for today :) I might do more texture packs or mods tomorrow or maybe the following day :) Send in your queries to the blog's email today! We will get them answered ASAP :D For XBOX 360 Version I will have to consult other people before replying to the questions.

Co-Owner: Mine ;)

Friday 21 June 2013


This post will be about Minecraft mods !! Some of these mods are currently in use by me :)

- Optifine
  It reduces lag and at a same time it will allow you to change animations ( e.g Water and lava ) ! In Hunger games and in survival mode , it will give you an advantage ! It will allow you to see other players so you can make your escape first
     [Link : ] 

- Rei's Minimap
  This Mod acts like a map just like the name :) It will allow you to set way points on important parts like your home or a mineshaft.On Multi-Player servers , you can use it to your advantage by setting way points at other people's base ; you can also enable death points so you will be able to retrieve your items ;)
     [Link :]

- Not enough Items 
   This mod will enable you to see items that you will not be able to look up in the creative directory (e.g Command Blocks/Different types of mob spawners !) This will allow you to save our inventory and load it!You can also use commands (e.g Time Set/Game Mode)
     [Link :]

That's 3 mods that I will be writing today :) Hope you guys will use them !! 

Co-Owner : Mine

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Now, for the secondmost writer of this blog… [JORDAN]

Me, Jordan Ang, will be introducing ourselves too!

My name: Jordan Ang

Nationality: Singaporean

Race: Chinese

Age: 20 days to 12 years old!


Minecraft Experience: 6 months 0.0 ‘’

Favourite Minecraft mob: Creepers too!

Favourite Ingot: Dunno?

Favourite time when minecrafting: Building a glass house


What I Like: Building houses and making facilities and digging and findin’ materials :D

What I Hate: SPIDERS!! [They jump at you…] , Untrue Stuff about Minecraft

What I am Good At: Building, Building, Buildong ;D

What I am Bad At: Fighting and defending myself [especially when I activate a Nether Core]


And, one last thing : I play Minecraft Pocket Edition more than PC version as my netbook has only 2GB of RAM, always lag when I try to play Minecraft PC!



Jordan Ang

About ME !![MINE]

Hey guys ! Mine back here :) . This time round I will be introducing myself !

My name : Jovan
Nationality : Singaporean
Race : Chinese
Age : 12
Minecraft Experience : About 2 Years
Favourite Minecraft mob : Creepers
Favourite Ingot : Budder (Gold)
Favourite time when minecrafting : Mining
What I like : Diamonds and Budder (preferably Budder) ,Hunger Games and The Walls
What I hate : Ignorant younger kids talking crap about Minecraft
What I am good at : Mining. Mining . Just Mining (xD)
What I am not good at : Redstone , Building(Except Dirthouses xD)
That's About it ! I am Co-Owner , Mine !



Hey Minecrafters! Another post in just an hour! ;D This is Jordan Ang. The previous two posts were by Jovan Tay, my Minecrafting partner! He has years [I think two] of Minecrafting experience! So he is more informative than me [only a few months but I got addicted and learnt lotta tips!] .

Here, I have another screen-capture software from Microsoft. It is called Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 [now with Service Pack 1 which has lots of updates!] You can convert videos and also record your screen in HD! But the process is abit demanding... You have to record the video with Screen Capture first [included in the pack, click 'All Programs' then 'Microsoft Expression Encoder 4' then 'Screen Capture'] then click 'Send to Encoder' button as it is in the .xesc format. Sending it to Encoder lets you convert it to .wmv format [used in YouTube]. And the best part? It's free!

That's all, folks. See ya!
Jordan Ang


This will be some suggestions on Minecraft PC . These Suggestions will be related to video recording and some tips and guidelines !

- Bandicam 
  Bandicam is a free and easy to use recording software that can be bought. Buying it will give you more advantages to record with or without the tag on top of every video.You can also record longer videos . 
Link :
( There are full Bandicam cracked version available online but I warn you , they might contain virus that might 
 cause your computer to spoil! )

-  Fraps
    Fraps is another game recording software that is free but the only bad thing is that it takes up a lot of space on your PC . Other than that , I don't think there is other bad things about it ! Nevertheless,there is a full version of it !
 Link :

These are two recording software that I suggest to you guys which are commonly used by Minecrafting Youtubers ! There are still other software available so I will blogging about them next time !

We hope that you will give us feedback and raise suggestions on what do you want us to help you with ! :D

Co-Owner : Mine 

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Hey There![MINE]

Hey there ! I am Minecrafterpeep , a co-owner of the blog . I will be giving suggestions / tips on PC Minecraft . Both Cracked and Premium ! So feel free to drop us a email on your questions and I/JA will be answering them ASAP . :D I also have an YouTube Account < Search Youtube : Tribute Peep > !

Until we meet again :B

Welcome! [JORDAN]

We are pleased to launch our first Minecrafting blog! This blog is jointly contributed by Jovan Tay and Jordan Ang. Please do not hesitate to drop us an email if you have any Minecraft enquiries/tips, be it Pocket Edition or PC! [ Note: We do not have tips for Xbox 360 version, sorry! ] 

That's all for now!

Till the next time,
Jordan Ang
MCBlocks! Try dragging them anywhere on the page!!


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